Jul 9, 2007

DC at the AAEC

So I’ve finally returned from the annual AAEC convention and a near death experience on a Chinatown bus. It was either ride the horns of the hell bus or accept an invitation from Dennis Kucinich to ride the rails on his whistle stop tour back to New York. I do have to say, he was very impressive…nice, suave, intelligent and absolutely no shot in hell at the presidency. That’s unfortunate. He’s much like Nader…should’ve been born 50 years later when people are ready to accept new ideas and forward thinking. The man is a vegan! America is used to face shooting, wild hunting, country bucking carnivores with little value for human life. America is not ready for a vegan. That would be tooooooo different.

This was the 50th anniversary of the AAEC so it was a big ta-do in Washington DC. Among the ranks were Kucinich, Helen Thomas, Will Durst, Flemming Rose (cultural editor at the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten) and Michael Wilson, Canadian Ambassador

This year I was lucky enough to be included in a gallery show at the American Museum. Helen Thomas spoke a few words at the opening. She is a firecracker and still has it in her after all the years she's been through. I have to say, it was great to hear her talk/bitch about the Bush man. Even thought it was a little difficult to see her at an impressive three foot tall, her words made her a giant. Helen, you go girl!

It’s good to be back.