Oct 10, 2007

Back on the horse...

I've taken a little, tiny, small and miniture sized break from bang'n in the blog. Cartoons and Cocktails wore me out and there's a lot of video footage to edit together. Kal of the Economist, and Matt Wuerker of Politico have nice segments. Nate Beeler of the Washington Examiner has a very unique interview with the person...ahem....body part responsible for creating the cartoons known to many as "Beeler's".

In other news, I'm back at The New York Press. It's real as an eel. It was nice to across the street and pick up the copy and see the toon printed at a generous size. About 3 or 4 years ago this time I was printed 2.5 inches wide. Embarassing.


Ariana W said...

Great read thannk you